The Salt Pan

These contemporary coastal homes are a pair of flood-resilient low carbon family homes. The history of the site and surrounding area has shaped the architecture of the Salt Pan, an area sitting on the threshold of marsh and sea. With the site’s sensitive and challenging location, the process was a close collaboration of specialists. With a crafted design incorporating innovative technologies the replacement dwellings are a contemporary reflection of the traditional salt barns. Planning permission sees the existing thermally and structurally inefficient cottages replaced so they are flood resilient offering a home to both families for the future.

Project & Environmental Data

Project Info

  • Location: Hampshire
  • Cost: £Undisclosed
  • Designation: SSSI, Flood Zone, New Forest National Park
  • Collaborators: Whaleback, SEED, Arbtech Webb Yates
  • Image Credit: Axson Office, Numa

Environmental Data

  • Heating/Hot Water
    Electric Gas Ground Source Air Source
  • Solar Thermal
    Yes No
  • Rain Water Harvest
    Yes No
  • Ventilation
    MVHR Natural
  • Energy Storage
    Yes No

"Our Clients vision for the development is to replace the cottages with crafted, low carbon homes which embrace their marshland environment and enhance it. Our aim is to sensitively provide resilient and future-proofed homes for the family which they will enjoy and treasure"

. Wendy Perring .

Crafted timber internal, a simple serene material palette of timber and concrete

Located within a defended flood zone and adjacent to the highly protected Lymington marshes a Site of Special Scientific Interest there was an even greater need to have a minimal impact. Integrating innovative glass photovoltaics in the truncated ridge and plentiful shuttering minimises harmful light spillage into the natural habitat. Combined with the energy storage it fulfils the client's desire to be self-sufficient whilst also providing stability in its rural condition.

Working with a BauBuche timber structure and considered concrete basement it seeks to be as low carbon as possible whilst ensuring floor resilience. Internally the exposed timber structure celebrates craft and materiality. The serene spaces are flooded with light and a simple palette allows the client can add their personality.

“There is ebb and flow. Leaving and coming. Flight and fall. Sing and
silent. Reaching and reached. ”